Synopsis :
The Scarlet Letter is a 2004 South Korean film about a police detective who investigates a murder case while struggling to hang onto his relationships with his wife and mistress. The film debuted as the closing film of the Pusan International Film Festival in 2004. It is the second film by La Femis-graduate and academic Byun Hyuk (Daniel Byun) and starred Han Suk Kyu, Lee Eun Ju, Sung Hyun A and Uhm Ji Won. Despite Lee Eun Ju's prior experience with depicting sex and nudity in Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors (2000), she came under the scrutiny of the Korean press and netizens. Her severe depression ended in suicide in February 2005, and the tragic conclusion has since become the central focus in popular perception and interpretation of the film, this particular one being her last. Director Kim Ki Duk, no stranger to controversy over his own films, is quoted by Chinese film magazine "Movie Watch" (看電影) in singling out The Scarlet Letter as among the key Korean dramas from recent years. He subsequently cast Sung Hyun A, who rose to prominence with her role in The Scarlet Letter, as the heroine in his Time.
Filename ......: The Scarlet Letter (2004)
Also Know As ..: Juhong Geulsshi
Quality .......: 720p.Bluray.x264
Audio .........: Korean
Subtitles .....: English softcoded
Runtime .......: 1 hr 59 min
Size ..........: 1.5 GB
Trailor .......: Watch
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